Books Here are some of my favorite books on various subjects, in no particular order of preference!!.

Titel Auteur(s) Uitgever ISBN
Hacking Exposed, Second Edition Joel Scambray,
Stuart McClure,
George Kurtz
Osborne / McGraw-Hill 0-07-212748-1
Building Internet Firewalls,
2nd Edition
Elizabeth D. Zwicky,
Simon Cooper &
D. Brent Chapman
O'Reilly 1-56592-871-7
DNS and BIND Paul Albitz & Cricket Liu O'Reilly 1-56592-236-0
DNS on Windows NT Paul Albitz,
Matt Larson &
Cricket Liu
O'Reilly 1-56592-511-4
Active Directory® Forestry
Investigating and Managing
Objects and Attributes
Microsoft® Windows® 2000
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003
A Geek’s Guide
John Craddock and
Sally Storey

Windows 2000 Scripting Guide
Automating System Administration
Dean Tsaltas,
Bob Wells,
Ethan Walinsky
Microsoft Press 0-7356-1867-4
Windows Script Host
Programmer's Reference
Dino Esposito Wrox Press 1-861002-65-3
Windows 2000
TCP/IP Protocols And Services
Technical Reference
Thomas Lee and
Joseph Davies
Microsoft Press 0-7356-0556-4
TCP/IP Illustrated volume 1,
The Protocols
W. Richard Stevens Addison-Wesley 0-201-63346-9
Internetworking with TCP/IP,
Volume 1, 4rd Edition
Douglas E. Comer Prentice Hall 0-13018380-6
Bridges and Routers
Radia Perlman Addison-Wesley 0-201-56332-0
Inside The Windows NT
File System
Helen Custer Microsoft Press 1-55615-660-X

Microsoft Windows Registry Guide,
Second Edition
Jerry Honeycutt Microsoft Press 0-7356-2218-3

Mastering vSphere 4 Scott Lowe Sybex 0-4704-8138-2

VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical Deepdive Duncan Epping
Frank Denneman
CreateSpace 1-4563-0144-6

[ TOP ]

Last Modified: 10/03/2022 20:08:09