Here?s a quick and easy way to modify the display of the text "My
Computer" on your desktop to show the current logged on user and computer
- Start the Registry editor (regedt32.exe)
- For NT 4.0 move to:
A value of REG_DWORD 1 enables and 0 disables this display.
For W2K move to:
Note: If this entry does not exist, go to the desktop, select My Computer, hit
F2 and Type ?My Computer? This action will create the entry in the registry.
- Select the <No Name> value and delete it.
- From the Edit menu select Add Value
- Leave the value name blank and set the type to REG_EXPAND_SZ
- Click OK and enter the text:
Click OK
- Click on the desktop and press F5 (for refresh) and the change takes effect
Note: Without changing the value type to REG_EXPAND_SZ the %username% and
%computername% variables do not get expanded into the actual user name and
computer name.