Tip 10: Cascading "My Computer" in the Start Menu
When working with Active Desktop? some people like to disable the option
"Show Desktop Icons" to ’unclutter’ their desktop. Unfortunately it often happens that they still
need to get to the My Computer icon on a regular basis.
This possibility can easily be created with a very elegant result:
For Windows 2000 drag the My Computer icon to the Start button, where it will automatically create a
cascading shortcut to My Computer, similar to the Expand Control Panel option in Windows 2000.
Moving the mouse over this new shortcut, the menu option will automatically expand and
reveal your drives, folders, and files.
Following the cascading flyout menu’s you can easily navigate your system.
As an added bonus you can now also quickly view the free space and capacity of a
given partition by holding the cursor for a moment over that partition in the Start Menu.
The Tooltip appears displaying these items.
Furthermore you can now execute a file from disk just by single clicking on it in the
Start Menu. You open a folder by double clicking it.
Works with Windows 2000 Professional and Server.
See also: Quicker Access to Control Panel and Other Stuff
For Windows XP the procedure is different:
1. Go to Properties of the Task Bar
2. Click the Start Menu tab
3. Click the Customize button for XP style
Start Menu
4. Click the Advanced tab
5. In the list of Start Menu items look for
the entry for My Computer and select: Display as a Menu
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