Windows 2000 features a nice Defragmentation tool, a slightly honed down
version of Diskeeper. A major drawback with this tool as opposed to its
commercial counterpart is the fact that it needs to be run manually and lacks
a scheduling facility.
However, using a little known Microsoft utility called
ScriptIt it is easily possible
to schedule a job that defragments your disk(s) at your convenience:
scriptit script.txt
ScriptIt is a program that enables you to simulate keystrokes that are being
sent to a particular Program running in a particular Window.
The .zip file provided contains some examples, notably the script below
that takes care of defragmenting the C and D drive on a system using
the standard Windows 2000 Defragmentation tool.
ScriptIt "language" is simple and easy as the example illustrates
and can easily be adapted to your particular needs.
REM run the standard defrag tool
run=mmc.exe c:\winnt\system32\dfrg.msc
REM in the window titled Disk Defragmenter
REM simulate pressing Alt, Action, Defragment on the selected drive (=C)
Disk Defragmenter=!AD
REM in the window titled Defragmentation Complete
REM simulate pressing the TAB en ENTER keys
Defragmentation Complete={Tab}{Enter}
REM in the window titled Disk Defragmenter
REM simulate pressing Alt, Action, Defragment on the now selected drive (=D)
Disk Defragmenter={Down}!AD
REM in the window titled Defragmentation Complete
REM simulate pressing the TAB en ENTER keys
Defragmentation Complete={Tab}{Enter}
REM in the window titled Disk Defragmenter
REM simulate pressing Alt, F4 to exit the mmc
Disk Defragmenter=!{F4}
Alternatively, you can also quickly start Defrag from the context menu when you right-click a drive.