Tip 24: Use Export List with Administrative Tools

Often times it would be handy to have a "print" facility for printing some selection of information that you work on in an Administrative Tool.

How many times have you needed to generate a list of users in a particular group, or needed to export a list of events displayed on the screen to a spreadsheet?

All the major Administrative Tools that use Microsoft Management Console windows (e.g., Internet Services Manager, Computer Management, Event Viewer) provide the Export List command, which turns out to be a tremendous timesaver.

Using the Export List command, you can create a comma-delimited or tab-delimited, plain or Unicode, text list of items displayed on the right list-view pane in the Microsoft Management Console.

One other great feature is the ability to customize the columns that are displayed on the list-view pane via the Choose Columns command.

This tip works with Windows 2000 / XP