Tip 28: System information from the Command line

SavillTech’s Cmdinfo utility provides information about a local or remote machine from the command line. You can also add a command switch to test for a particular value (e.g., service pack version) and set %errorlevel% (an environment variable) according to that value. Typing Cmdinfo at the command prompt displays the following information:

Version TypeFull Version
Installation Date30 November 2001, 09:49:41
Expiry DateNot Applicable
OS TypeMicrosoft Windows XP
Product TypeWindows XP Professional
Plus VersionNot Available
IE VersionInternet Explorer 6 (XP) (6.0.2600.0000)
Service PackNot available
Processor TypeMultiprocessor Free
Activation StatusActivated
Build Number2600
Source PathR:\I386
System RootC:\WINDOWS
Owning OrgMy Organization
Owner NameThat’s Me
Uptime1 days, 2 hours, 39 minutes and 15 seconds
Hotfixes:Application Compatibility Update Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q308381 for more information]
Q147222No Description
Q282784Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q282784 for more information]
Q307869Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q307869 for more information]
Q308210Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q308210 for more information]
Q309521Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q309521 for more information]
Q309691Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q309691 for more information]
Q310437Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q310437 for more information]
Q310507Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q310507 for more information]
Q311889Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q311889 for more information]
Q313484Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q313484 for more information]
Q315000Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q315000 for more information]

Windows XP includes the Systeminfo utility, which displays similar information and offers additional memory, network, and process information. However, Systeminfo does not display activation, installation type (e.g., trial limited, full, Not For Resale--NFR), or Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) information. Systeminfo also duplicates some hotfix entries.
Try typing Systeminfo at the command prompt.

Alternatively you could use MSInfo32.exe to get information on your system.