Tip 29: Custom Information on the System Properties General tab 

When you receive a Win2K PC from a manufacturer, you may see extra lines of description text and a company logo on the General tab of the system Control Panel applet.

With the steps outlined below you can change this customized text or add to it:

  1. Create a bitmap 172 pixels x 172 pixels with the text you want. (If the picture is larger than 172 x 172, it will be clipped from the top left corner. If it is smaller, the system will add a black border.)
  2. Save the picture in the %systemroot%/system32 folder (e.g., D:\winnt\system32) with a name of oemlogo.bmp.
  3. Create a file %systemroot%/system32/oeminfo.ini (e.g., D:\winnt\system32\oeminfo.ini) with the following format and supply your own information for the information within the angle brackets (<>), but don’t type the <> brackets in the file:

Manufacturer= <Your Company>
Model= <Your Model Identification>
SupportURL= <your URL>
LocalFile= <%windir%\webinfo\support.htm>
SubModel= Optional line
SerialNo= Optional line
OEM1= Optional private info
OEM2= More private info
Product= <Your product name>
[Support Information]
Line1= "----- "
Line2= "For support ...."
Line3= "----- "
and any additional consequtively numbered Line-statements you need

You don’t need to reboot the machine. When you start the System Control Panel applet, it will pick up the file.