Tip 40: How to update the \%systemroot%\repair folder under Windows XP and Windows 2000?

Microsoft has removed the Rdisk utility from XP and Win2K, thereby eliminating your ability to create an Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) for recovering the OS in case of a system crash. As part of the emergency repair process, the OS would update the \%systemroot%\repair folder, which contains backups of core registry values.

To update the \%systemroot%\repair folder in XP and Win2K, you must back up the necessary system-state files and ensure that you’ve selected the proper system state during the backup.

Here is an easy way to back up the system state to update the \%systemroot%\repair folder.
Just create a script or command file that contains the following command:

ntbackup backup systemstate /f %temp%\backup.bkf
del %temp%\backup.bkf