You can use either a policy setting or the registry to configure AD for browsing.
To use the policy setting method, perform the following steps:
- Open Group Policy with the Group Policy Editor (GPE).
- Navigate to User Configurations, Administrative Templates, Desktop, AD.
- Double-click "Hide Active Directory folder."
- Select the Policy tab.
- Click Enabled, and click OK.
- Close the policy.
To use the registry to complete the same task, perform the following steps:
- Start the registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe).
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft.
- If the Windows key doesn’t exist, click Edit, New, Key to create the key.
- Look for "Directory UI" under the Windows key, and if it doesn’t exist, click Edit,
New, Key to create the key.
- From the Edit menu, select New-DWORD Value.
- Enter a name of HideDirectoryFolder, and press Enter.
- Double-click the new value, set it to 1, and click OK.
- Exit the registry editor.