Tip 76: Change Drive Name and Icon for drives in Windows Explorer

The following entries in the registry will enable you to change the Name and the Icon associated that is shown in Windows Explorer for a specific driveletter.

Within the following key create another sub-key called "DriveIcons"

Open your registry (using e.g., regedit.exe) and find the key below.
Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons
Create if it does not already exist.

Within the DriveIcons key create another sub-key called "<Driveletter>"

Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\<Driveletter>
<Single driveletter of the drive concerned>, such as D or E
Create if it does not already exist.

Within the drive letter key create another sub-key called "DefaultIcon"

Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\<Driveletter>
Name: DefaultIcon
Type: REG_SZ (String value)
Value: c:\icons\myicons.dll,4 (example)
Name: DefaultLabel
Note: The "DefaultLabel" value only works with Windows 2000 and higher.
Type: REG_SZ (String value)
Value: My ZIP Drive

You may need to restart Windows for the change to take effect, or you can try and press F5 to refresh My Computer.