Tip 80: TFTPD (Trivial FTP Daemon) Server in Windows 2000

By default, Windows 2000 does not install the Trivial FTP Daemon (TFTPD) service.
You can obviously install a third-party TFTPD Server, but you can also actually install the TFTPD service without any third-party server.

Copy the file tftpd.exe from \%SystemRoot%\system32\dllcache to \%SystemRoot%\system32.

Next, use instsrv.exe utility from the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit to create the service as follows:

instsrv tftpd c:\winnt\system32\tftpd.exe

To start the service enter:

net start tftpd

Now that you’ve created a TFTPD server on Windows 2000 you can test this server using:

tftpd -f <IPAddress of server> put <filename>

The service will create a directory named tftproot in \%SystemDdrive, and the file whose name you entered above will be in this directory.
