Tip 94: Improve on System Shutdown Time

You want to close your applications automatically and quickly come Shutdown-Time?

The following registry settings will help you achieve improvements.

Key: Control Panel\Desktop
Name: AutoEndTasks
Type: REG_SZ
Value: 0 = Processes are not ended automatically. The system waits until the process ends and, if the time it takes to end the process exceeds the value of HungAppTimeout, the End Task dialog box appears, stating that the application cannot respond to the End Task request.
Value: 1 = Processes are ended automatically.

Basically that’s all you need.

To possibly speed things up even further, you could reduce the time it takes for Windows to issue the Kill directive to all active and/or hung applications. In order to do this, adjust the following registry values:

Key: Control Panel\Desktop
Name: HungAppTimeout
Type: REG_SZ
Value: 5000 = Default Number of milliseconds in decimal.
This setting determines how long the system waits for user processes to end in response to the End Task command in Task Manager. If this threshold is exceeded, the End Task dialog box appears, stating that the process did not respond.
When changing this value make sure the value remains greater than the value defined for WaitToKillAppTimeout.

Key: Control Panel\Desktop
Name: WaitToKillAppTimeout
Type: REG_SZ
Value: 20000 = Default Number of milliseconds in decimal. (20 seconds)
This setting Determines how long the system waits for user processes to end after the user attempts to log off or to shut down Windows 2000/XP.
If this threshold is exceeded, the End Task dialog box appears, stating that the process did not respond or, if AutoEndTasks is enabled, the system ends the process automatically.
When changing this value make sure the value remains smaller than the value defined for HungAppTimeout.