Tip 107: Optimize usage of Memory (Microsoft’s official memory tool)

This tool clears out your current data sets in RAM.

Clearmem (clearmem.exe), forces pages out of physical memory and reduces the size of running processes working sets to a minimum. When you run this tool, the system pauses because of excessive high-priority activity associated with trimming the working sets.

To run this tool, your paging file must be at least as large as physical memory.

Clearmem can be setup to be used via NT’s AT command, or by using the Scheduled Tasks folder in Windows 2000/XP.

Using a text editor save the following text:

Start clearmem

Rename the text file to clearmem.cmd

Schedule the clearmem.cmd file to run twice. The default settings are generally of benefit, but you may want to set parameters to your machines needs.

The clearmem.exe syntax is shown below.

usage: clearmem [-q] [-d] [-mx] [-px] [-w] [-tx]

-? This message
-q Quiet mode - Nothing printed
-d Debug break on Entry into and Exit from app
-m Number of megabytes to allocate
  (default is to use all physical memory)
-p Number of pages to read (must be less than 63)
-w Write to the virtual memory section
-b Read and Write the virtual memory section
-t Times to touch a page