BOOT.INI options Summary of options that can be used in the BOOT.INI file of Windows® NT 4.0 and/or Windows® 2000.

 Well-known SIDs List of well-known Security IDentifiers (SIDs) used in Windows® 2000 / XP / 2003.

 Implicit Groups and Special Identities Windows® 2000 defines a set of special identities that you can use to assign permissions in certain situations.

 Default Groups and their initial members on Windows® 2000 Systems Some tables listing the default Groups and their initial members for clean-installed systems
like Windows® 2000 Domain Controllers, Windows® 2000 Servers and Windows® 2000 Professionals.

 Default User Rights on Professional and Member Servers A table listing the default User Rights for clean-installed Windows® 2000 Professionals
and Windows® 2000 Member servers.

 Group Memberships and Nesting possibilities A table listing the group membership and group nesting possibilities in Windows 2000 Mixed mode and Windows 2000 Native mode.

 Keyboard Shortcuts Lost your mouse control, or no mouse currently available?
Don't despair and use these keyboard shortcuts to get around your system.

 Understanding the DHCP Console Icons The Windows® 2000 Server DHCP snap-in context-specific icons explained.

 Understanding IP Addressing Well, you didn't really want to know, but I'm providing it here anyway 

 Kerberos Explained Although a primer to Kerberos authentication, it is a highly technical review.
Kerberos is an integral part of Windows® 2000 Active Directory implementations, and anyone planning to deploy and maintain a Windows 2000 enterprise must have a working knowledge of the principals and administrative issues involved in this frontier security technology.

 Adminpak Table of DLL's and pre-configured management consoles contained in the Administration Tools for Windows® 2000.
Selectively installing only parts of the Adminpak can be accomplished using the information provided in Microsoft Knowledgeable Article Q314978.
It should be noted that the Adminpak "Server Tools" as provided with Windows® 2000 will only run on Windows® 2000 systems. In order to run these tools on Windows® XP systems, the .Net version of these tools must be used.

 W2K NTDSUTIL A command-line tool providing management facilities for Active DirectoryTM , the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 directory service. Use Ntdsutil to perform database maintenance of Active Directory, to manage and control single master operations, and to remove metadata left behind by domain controllers that were removed from the network without being properly uninstalled.
This tool is intended to be used by experienced administrators.
By default, Ntdsutil is installed in the Winnt\System32 folder. Includes some examples of usage.

 Packet Filtering characteristics for various protocols An extensive list documenting the standard characteristics of various protocols.
These characteristics can be used when defining Packet Filters for Firewall Products like
Windows® Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000.

 Trouble Remembering OSI? One of the key topics covered in all of the major professional certifications in IT is the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model. Understanding the OSI model can be one of the more difficult topics to grasp. To help relieve some of the confusion for students here's an easy way to remember the components of the OSI model.

 Creating an AutoPlay-Enabled Application Creating an AutoPlay-enabled CD-ROM application is a straightforward procedure. You simply need to include a couple of essential files and presto. The CD-ROM will automatically start when you load it in your reader.

 Windows 2000 Professional and Server Services Configuration and Descriptions Table of Services, their presence, purpose and state (Disabled, Manual, Automatic).

 Windows XP Home and Professional Service Pack 2 Service Configurations and Descriptions A complete listing of all the services installed with Windows XP Home and Professional Service Pack 2 running in the background and viewed with Task Manager.

 Found un unknown service in XP? If you find a service running in XP that you are not familiar with, this partial listing of some services installed by third parties for use with Windows XP Home and Professinal and their functions may explain what it is.

 RAID Description of the various RAID classes defined in the industry.

 Your System Administrator Leaves? What to check and do when your System Administrator leaves the company!?

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