Win2K introduces the ability to "slipstream" service packs, which lets
you apply a service pack to a Win2K installation distribution point so that any
clients you install from that location automatically have the service pack
applied, or any additional windows components you add to an already installed
copy will be at service pack level. Without much more effort, you can burn this
slipstreamed installation to a CD-ROM to enable Win2K installs from a
bootable CD-ROM.
- Copy the entire structure of the Win2K CD-ROM to a folder on your local
disk (e.g., c:\temp\win2000pro).
- Slipstream the service pack to this installation point (you must point
to the root of the CD-ROM’s COPIED location and not to the I386 folder?e.g.,
c:\win2ksp2\i386\update\update -s:c:\temp\win2000pro.)
- The installation point will now have the service pack applied, and the
root will include a couple of extra files; the important file is the one that
indicates that the service pack is installed. This is an empty file with a
name of cdrom_sp.tst if Service Pack 1 (SP1) is slipstreamed or
cdromsp2.tst if SP2 is slipstreamed.
- Other important files that should be in the root of the distribution area
are listed below:
- CDROM_NT.5 ? Identifier indicating that the CD-ROM contains Windows NT 5.0 (i.e., Win2K)
- CDROM_IP.5 ? Identifier indicating that the CD-ROM contains the professional version
- CDROM_IS.5 ? Identifier indicating that the CD-ROM contains the server version
- CDROM_IA.5 ? Identifier indicating that the CD-ROM contains the advanced server version
- Create the CD-ROM.
- You need the boot sector for the CD-ROM. Tip30,
How to create a bootable Windows 2000/NT installation CD-ROM?
explains how to get this boot sector file, or you download the already
extracted boot sector in
- You should then burn the CD-ROM (see the tip mentioned above).
Steps 8 through 18 are the steps you would perform if you are using Adaptec’s
Easy CD Creator.
- Start Easy CD Creator.
- From the File menu, select New CD Project, Bootable CD.
- For the boot settings, set the emulation to No Emulation, Load Segment
to 0x7c0, and Sector Count to 4. Click Browse, and select the boot image
(e.g., w2kcdbt.bin). Click OK.
- Add all the files in the Win2K folder to the CD-ROM folder
(so CDROM_NT.5, etc. will be at the root of the CD-ROM).
- Right-click the root of the CD-ROM, and select Properties.
- Change the volume label to
- W2PFPP_EN for Win2K Professional
- W2SFPP_EN for Win2K Server
- W2AFPP_EN for Win2K Advanced Server
- Change the File System to ISO9660.
- Click OK.
- Click Record.
- Under Record Method, select Finalize CD, and under Record Options,
select Record CD. Click Start Recording.
- When the recording is complete, remove the CD-ROM.
You can delete the temporary Win2K local folder.