Apart from the command line utility Systeminfo there is another
utility within Windows XP to get extensive system information, called:
MSInfo32.exe, which utility is neatly tucked away
in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Msinfo directory.
Opening a command prompt in this directory and typing: msinfo32 /?
reveals the following possibilities:
msinfo32.exe [filename] [/?] [/pch] [/nfo outfile] [/report outfile]
[/category catname] [/computer computername] [/categories catlist]
filename | may be an NFO file, a PCHealth XML file, or a CAB file |
/? | shows the help dialog |
/pch | launch in history view |
/nfo outfile | silently save an NFO file to <outfile> and quit |
/report outfile | silently save a text report to <outfile> and quit |
/category catname | launch with category <catname> selected |
/computer comptername | launch remoted to <computername> |
/categories catlist | only show categories specified in <catlist> |
/showcategories | display a list of (non-localized) category names |
The following command will dump the available categories of system info (used in the GUI mmc)
for a system called "MyRemotePc15" to a text file called msinfo32.txt.
MSinfo32 /Report C:\msinfo32.txt /Computer MyRemotePC15
Presto, your system documentation is ready.!