Tip 62: Group Policy Object Settings - Spreadsheet

Microsoft has published a Group Policy Object Settings spreadsheet that provides a comprehensive list of the default Group Policy object settings, with information about which settings are new for Windows XP Professional.

You can get another, somewhat similar, spreadsheet here.

You can also get a copy of Group Policy Settings Reference for Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1

Other very comprehensive information on a plethora of subjects can be found here.

Microsoft has also published information on Implementing Common Desktop Management Scenarios for Windows 2000. This information deals with six different IntelliMirror Scenarios and provides an installable file containing:

  • A white paper that describes six scenarios for using IntelliMirror. These scenarios are intended to be starting points from which you can develop settings tailored to your environment. This white paper describes how these scenarios are created, and provides specific instructions for installing them on your domain controller using the accompanying tools. It also includes descriptions of unique situations and known issues related to the scenarios.
  • Excel spreadsheets that document the Group Policy settings for each of the six scenarios. These spreadsheets can also be used as a starting point from which you can develop papers, documenting settings tailored to your environment.
  • Supporting files to create Group Policy Objects (GPOs) for each of the six scenarios.
  • Batch files that enable you to load and save these GPOs onto your domain controller.
Similar information targeted at Windows XP can be found in
System Policy and GPO .ADM Template Files in Resource Kit Office XP.