___ A ___
Active Directory:
How to hide the Active Directory folder under My Network Places in Windows 2000
Active Directory:
Active Directory Naming Paths
Active Directory:
How to let users Search, but not Browse, Active Directory (AD)?
Active Directory:
Browse Active Directory in Windows Server 2003
Active Directory:
Forcing removal of Active Directory from "orphaned" DC
Address Toolbar as a Command Line:
Instant access to a command line through the Address Toolbar
Alternate Credentials:
"Run As" Alternate Credentials (Secondary Logon)
Alternate Credentials:
How to find which User-ID was used for the "Run As" Alternate Credentials (Secondary Logon)
Automatic Defragmentation in Windows 2000:
Scheduled Automatic Defragmentation in Windows 2000
___ B ___
How to use Windows XP’s NTBackup to back up files to CD-RW
Backup ERD info:
How to update the \%systemroot%\repair folder under Windows XP and Windows 2000?
18 Steps to a TCP/IP Boot Disk
___ C ___
Cascading menus:
Cascading "My Computer" in the Start Menu
Command Prompt:
Open a Command Prompt from Windows Explorer in a Particular Directory
Command Prompt:
Dress up your Command Prompt (Revisited)
Command Prompt:
Command Prompt Keys
Command Prompt:
Cut and Paste in the Command Prompt
Command Prompt:
Manipulate the Windows Registry from the command line
Command Prompt:
Run Microsoft Snap-in Console files without typing the .msc extension
Computer Management:
Remove the Manage context-menu option for My Computer in Windows 2000
Control Panel Access:
Quicker Access to Control Panel and Other Stuff
Control Panel Access:
Streamlining XP Control Panel
Control Panel Access:
Add / Delete entries in Control Panel
Control Panel Access:
List all programs installed and listed in Add/Remove Programs
Copy To Folder...:
New right-click context menu option in Windows Explorer: "Copy To Folder..."
Customize My Computer:
Customize the display of "My Computer" text on desktop
Customize Displayed Folder Icons in Explorer:
Customize Displayed Folder Icons in Explorer
Customize Explorer:
Background picture for Windows Explorer toolbars in Windows XP and Windows 2000
Customize Explorer:
Change Drive Name and Icon for drives in Windows Explorer
Customize Places Bar:
Hide/Modify the Places bar in Open and Save common dialog boxes of Windows XP and Windows 2000
___ D ___
Date Settings:
How to modify the date format on a Windows machine for new users
Desktop, Start Menu:
Always have your XP Menues sorted alphabetically
Desktop, Start Menu:
How to modify the number of "Most recent documents"
Device Drivers:
Identify Faulty Device Drivers
Device Manager:
Use Device Manager to Switch from Uniprocessor to Multiprocessor Support
Device Manager:
View devices that are installed on but not connected to your Windows XP or Windows 2000 computer
DHCP Configuration & Database Export & Import
Maximum volume sizes and maximum file sizes for the various Windows file systems
Software based Fault Tolerance (RAID-1/RAID-5) in Windows XP
Kick Start Disk Optimization
Easy System Documentation
Document details:
Notepad Tricks
Drive letter:
Windows 2000 and above breaks the 26 drive letter limitation
Dual Boot Configuration:
Use Windows XP’s Msconfig to select boot options in a dual-boot environment
Dual Boot Configuration:
Use MSConfig in Windows 2000
___ E ___
EFS Encrypt/Decrypt options on Explorer shortcut menu
Enable or Disable EFS in Windows XP.
Emergency Repair Disk info backup:
How to update the \%systemroot%\repair folder under Windows XP and Windows 2000?
Environment variables:
Environment variables available in Windows
Error Message:
What was that Error message?
Explorer details:
More details in Windows Explorer
Explorer details:
More "Recent Documents"
Explorer details:
Show Driveletters before Drive labels
___ F ___
Fault Tolerance:
Software based Fault Tolerance (RAID-1/RAID-5) in Windows XP
FDISK Switches:
Undocumented FDISK Switches
Maximum volume sizes and maximum file sizes for the various Windows file systems
Automatically reopen folders after a restart of the OS
Forgotten Administrator Password:
Lost Administrator Password - Restore Accessibility
Forgotten Administrator Password:
How to reset the Administrator Password
___ G ___
Group Policy Objects (GPO):
How to copy a GPO from one domain to another
Group Policy Objects (GPO):
Group Policy Object Settings - Spreadsheet
Group Policy Objects (GPO):
System Policy and GPO .ADM Template Files in Resource Kit Office 2000 (ORKTools.exe)
Group Policy Objects (GPO):
System Policy and GPO .ADM Template Files in Resource Kit Office XP (ORKTools.exe)
___ H ___
___ I ___
Default Application Installation Volume
on System Partition
Retrieving serial numbers remotely
Get the command prompt during Win2k / WinXP GUI-mode Setup
Can’t run a .MSI install?
Internet Explorer:
Add or modify Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) command shortcuts
Internet Explorer:
How to associate an icon with your webpage? (called 'Favicon')
Internet Explorer:
Customize Your Internet Explorer Title bar
ISA Server:
Document ISA Server configuration settings
___ J ___
___ K ___
Knowledge Base (KB) Notification - Free Service
___ L ___
Shortcuts to quickly Lock the Desktop or Suspend the Computer
Logoff, Reboot, Power Off, or Shut Down a machine
Where is Administrator in XP?
Lost Password:
Lost Administrator Password - Restore Accessibility
Lost Password:
How to reset the Administrator Password
___ M ___
Menu display:
Prevent a Program From Being Displayed in the Most Frequently Used Programs List
Menu sorting:
Always have your XP Menues sorted alphabetically
Use Export List with Administrative Tools
Move To Folder...:
New right-click context menu option in Windows Explorer: "Move To Folder..."
Can’t run a .MSI install?
My Computer Context menu:
My Computer (Explorer) right-click Context menu additions
My Documents details:
More details in My Documents
___ N ___
Network Settings:
Configure a Windows 2000 notebook for different networks
Configure Microsoft Outlook Express as a News reader only and not as an email client
Configure Notepad to remember Page Setup settings
___ O ___
Optimize Memory:
Optimize usage of Memory (Microsoft’s official memory tool)
Optimize Performance:
Slow system boot times or ’resume’ takes too long?
Optimize Performance:
Speedup boot time by improving NTFS check
Optimize Performance:
Kick Start Disk Optimization
Outlook Express:
Configure Microsoft Outlook Express as a news reader only and not as an email client
___ P ___
Do you sometimes forget your password?
Passport (.NET):
Prevent Windows XP from reminding you to enter Microsoft .NET Passport details
Improve on System Shutdown Time
How to determine which ports a specific process is using on Windows XP and later
Power off:
Logoff, Reboot, Power Off, or Shut Down a machine
More Power To You !!!
Prefetch Speed:
Speedup and Slowdown using PreFetch, Disable it or view pre-fetched files
Disable Windows 2000 Server’s Web Printing feature
Increase the priority of the print spooler
Privilege Elevation:
Obtaining higher status on the system or how to become SYSTEM
Switch Processor Support Quickly
___ Q ___
Quick E-Mail:
Quickly compose new mail
Quick Help:
Quickly get help from Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles
Quick Launch:
The Show Desktop tool is missing
___ R ___
Re-activate XP:
Re-activate Windows XP Installation after re-install
Logoff, Reboot, Power Off, or Shut Down a machine
Recovery Console:
Recovery Console without Administrator Password
How to restart Windows XP without restarting your computer
Move a Windows 2000 Installation to Different Hardware
Restore Points:
Customize XP System Restore Points
Remote Desktop:
Change Remote Desktop connection port
Remove Programs:
How to remove ’hidden’ Windows 2000 and XP Components
Run As:
"Run As" Alternate Credentials (Secondary Logon)
___ S ___
Scripting, Scripting, Scripting
Secondary Logon:
"Run As" Alternate Credentials (Secondary Logon)
Enable advanced file-system and sharing security for a Windows XP machine in a workgroup
Configure a services startup type from the command line
TFTPD (Trivial FTP Daemon) Server in Windows 2000
What’s that service?
Get the command prompt during Win2k / WinXP GUI-mode Setup
Setup of Windows 2000:
Adding / Removing Windows 2000 Components
Setup of Windows 2000:
How to retrieve core Windows files that have been deleted
Setup of Windows 2000:
Windows 2000 Hidden Files and Folders
Setup of Windows 2000:
Bypass Entering Serial Number during Installation
Setup of Windows 2000:
How to create a bootable Windows 2000/NT installation CD-ROM?
Setup of Windows 2000:
How to create a bootable Windows 2000 CD-ROM with a service pack slipstreamed?
Enable/disable the Shutdown Event Tracker
Logoff, Reboot, Power Off, or Shut Down a machine
Improve on System Shutdown Time
Speed up Access:
Load frequently used programs from more quickly accessible disk locations
Speed up Access:
Quicker Access to Control Panel and Other Stuff
Speed up Access:
Speedup boot time by improving NTFS check
Knowledge Base (KB) Notification - Free Service
System Configuration:
System Configuration:
Use MSConfig in Windows 2000
System Configuration:
Use Windows XP’s Msconfig to select boot options in a dual-boot environment
System Information:
System information from the Command line
System Information:
System information from the Command line (2)
System Properties:
Custom Information on the System Properties General tab
System Restore Points:
Disable System Restore Points in XP
SYSTEM Status:
Obtaining higher status on the system or how to become SYSTEM
___ T ___
TCP/IP Configuration:
Re-install TCP/IP on windows XP
TCP/IP Configuration:
Windows XP alternative TCP/IP configuration
TCP/IP Bootdisk:
18 Steps to a TCP/IP Boot Disk
TFTPD (Trivial FTP Daemon) Server in Windows 2000
Accurately setting your computer clock
Enable a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server in W2K and later
Update/Change Atomic Clocks
___ U ___
User Management:
Hidden Users and Groups screen on an XP box in a Workgroup
User Management:
Who is logged onto the console of a remote computer?
___ V ___
View with Notepad:
New right-click context menu option: "View with Notepad" in Windows Explorer
Maximum volume sizes and maximum file sizes for the various Windows file systems
___ W ___
WEB Printing:
Disable Windows 2000 Server’s Web Printing feature
Retrieving serial numbers remotely
___ X ___
Add Internet location to your XP Start menu
Alternative Firewall
Alternative TCP/IP configuration
Create Self-extracting / Self-installing packages the Easy Way
Display the local Administrator account on the Windows XP Welcome screen
Enable advanced file-system and sharing security for a Windows XP machine in a workgroup
Enable or Disable EFS in Windows XP.
Enable/disable Windows XP’s built-in ZIP support
Remove the Windows XP system tray (notification area) from the taskbar
Prevent Windows XP from reminding me to enter Microsoft .NET Passport details
The ultimate Windows XP configuration tool
Where is Administrator in XP?
No Name and Picture on the Start Menu
Software based Fault Tolerance (RAID-1/RAID-5) in Windows XP
Update/Change Atomic Clocks
Kick Start Disk Optimization
List all programs installed and listed in Add/Remove Programs
___ Y ___
___ Z ___
Enable/disable Windows XP’s built-in zip support